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Connecting the New Thought community through Consciousness and Love

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  • Thu, August 01, 2024 2:51 PM | Anonymous

    Be Curious, Not Judgmental

    by Rev. Paul Hoyt
    ANTN Board of Trustees

    In a scene from the brilliant streaming show “Ted Lasso,” Ted talks about a quote that he attributes to Walt Whitman. The quote is “Be curious, not judgmental.”

    I have been thinking about that a lot lately. Because we (I) judge all the time. And I realized that judgment is from outside, and curiosity is from inside. When I am judging, I am coming from my earthly perspective.

    Curiosity is from the Divine perspective.

    This played itself out in an email interaction I had with someone. I was very angry about the email. So, I judged this person. “How dare they tell me how to do something that I have been doing longer than they have and give me instructions on how to do it. I am much better at this than they are. I would NEVER do this to them.” And Yada, Yada, Yada.

    So, I went inside and got curious. I started asking questions from my inner Divine. Questions like, "Why am I so angry?" "What is so upsetting about this?" And suddenly, there was my old nemesis, “I am not good enough.” “I am less than.” When I got curious, I realized the person was not saying those things. I was. With that awareness, all the anger, the feeling that I am right and they are wrong, and resentment were coming from me.

    I could now love the person and not drive a wedge between us. I could, and did, let it go.

    Building Bridges

    by Rev. Dr. Michele Whittington
    Executive Director

    I had the wonderful opportunity to officially represent ANTN at the 109th Annual World Congress of the International New Thought Alliance (INTA) at Unity Village last month.

    One of the concepts I heard over and over in the various presentations … which aligns with ANTN’s vision … is that it is time for our New Thought organizations to work together rather than separately. When Rev. Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith, the Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living, put out a specific call to do that during her presentation, I was the first in line to sign up. I am excited to see how that unfolds.

    Another beautiful experience at this Congress was that Rev. Dr. Lisa Stewart, a long-time member of ANTN and past Board President, was awarded the Torch Bearer of New Thought Award for her years of New Thought leadership, mentoring and consciousness that have left a lasting legacy in the New Thought community. Her leadership in both INTA and ANTN have marked her as a key architect of New Thought’s growth and sustained relevance.

    Congratulations, Dr. Lisa! We feel blessed to have you and your center, Spiritual Living of Greater Milwaukee, as an integral part of ANTN.

    New Members

    • Gary & Pam Ninneman - Redmond, WA
    • Annie Bumgarner - Hernando, FL

    ANTN Updates

    These are some decisions the Board has recently made to move our beloved organization forward...

    • The membership vote to approve changes to the Board Member Eligibility section of the bylaws passed with overwhelming support
    • With some generous donations, ANTN has initiated a Scholarship program to support participation in the annual Retreat. Contact the Administrator for details.
    • Rev. Jen Dickey is now leading ANTN's Social Media. Look for us on Facebook and Instagram.

    Open Pulpits

    Congratulations to ANTN Members

    • Rev. Dr. Sharri Johnson and Tim McMurray will be wed on Sunday, October 6, at 3:00 pm in the outdoor wedding chapel on the grounds of Unity Village. Anyone arriving early for the ANTN Retreat is lovingly invited to share in their joy!
    • Rev. Dr. Lisa Stewart was awarded INTA's Torch Bearer of New Thought Award at the recently held INTA Congress.

    Do you have a recent event, occurrence or celebrate that we could acknowledge here? We would love to do that, so please let us know.

  • Wed, May 01, 2024 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Dr. John Karn
    Dean of Emerson Theological Institute

    As a graduate and representative of Emerson Theological Institute, I love knowing that the school has been accredited by the prestigious Accrediting Commission International organization for the last 30 years and consistently achieves the highest level of accreditation they offer. This month, they will be at our Oakhurst, California, office to do an onsite review. Your prayers are welcomed for another outstanding rating.

    Emerson desires to adapt to the needs of a new generation of Truth seekers. There are fewer and fewer candidates for pulpit ministry, though we continue to offer that course of study. This new breed of students desires a degree or a credential to support them on their journey to becoming a Thought Leader or Spiritual Teacher. Dr. Melissa Higginbotham, Emerson’s Director of Education, has created a variety of new courses to meet those needs.

    I believe our path is to nurture them as they allow the Presence of Creativity to express through them in the form of books, workshops, art, spiritual curriculum, and/or inspirational speaking. What about a spiritual techy person? We have support in that area as well.

    Whatever form Creation wishes to take through our students, we are stepping up to serve so that Spirit gets the opportunity to become anchored more fully in the physical world.

    To this end, we’ve added the position of Visiting Faculty. These are experts in various areas that are willing to share their expertise with our students in profound ways. I see this area as having great potential for growth.

    We are excited about the trajectory Emerson is on, and I invite you to peruse our website to see all that we have to offer.

  • Mon, April 01, 2024 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Paul Hoyt
    Member, Board of Directors

    In a class I was attending recently, the facilitator led a guided meditation. At one point, she asked us to draw something inspired by the meditation. My first thought was clouds, so I drew clouds.

    Then I thought of mountains underneath the clouds, so I drew mountain peaks. I was then inspired to draw rain coming down from the clouds. My next thought was of the sun shining over the clouds. So, I drew a sun with many rays of sunlight streaming from it.

    At that moment, it occurred to me that the sun is always shining whether there are clouds blocking out its light or not. If it is raining or snowing or if there is a tornado or a sandstorm, the sun is still shining. Even at night, the sun is shining.

    The sun keeps the earth in its revolution. It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate. It makes plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the sun’s heat and light, life on earth would not exist.

    My next thought was this is a perfect analogy for God. God is always shining no matter what we are doing or thinking. We are the mountains, and the clouds are the things in our lives and thoughts in our mind that block us from receiving all that God is.

    God is the sun that is always shining, always giving always supporting, always loving.  Sometimes it is just the clouds blocking the sun, and sometimes it is the whole of the earth.

    God’s love, understanding, peace, guidance, abundance, givingness and all the multitudes of other attributes are ours by Divine Right. At any moment, we can push the clouds away, step out from behind the earth and see and feel the Light. It’s always there.

  • Fri, March 01, 2024 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Dr. Pjae Stanley
    ANTN Board Vice-President

    Beloveds of ANTN,

    I enjoy having pithy little sayings and quotes that help me move through my day and remind me of who I am, what I believe, and what’s possible for me. I thought I might share a couple of my favorites with you in the hopes they’d be of service to you.

    One of my favorites, and so naturally the most difficult for me to follow is, “You can’t answer a question that hasn’t been asked.” Duh! Of course not. The question hasn’t been asked. And yet, how many times have I given unsolicited advice, out of the kindness of my heart to be sure, that has fallen with a loud “thunk” at my feet?

    It is so tempting to try and ease someone else’s suffering by offering them the “wisdom” of our past experiences. It turns out what really happens is we deny them the faith building moment of growing through a lived experience. It also has the very real possibility of leaving the offeree feeling as though you don’t quite trust their choices. Rut ro!

    My absolute favorite saying, “Love, be here now”, is one I utter in the quiet of my mind during good times and stressful moments. The utterance allows me to intentionally remember who I am and who we are together, connected heart to heart. It ushers in a calm, peaceful, easy feeling that reminds me when Love is welcomed, all is well, and so it is.

  • Thu, February 01, 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Gay Beauregard
    ANTN Treasurer

    Happy February! As promised I have the wonderful opportunity to give you a recap of our year-end financial position... and what a glorious picture it is! To begin with I want to remind you that our P&L Budgeted Amount for 2023 was $-22,798.00. That’s right. We had a budget amount of just under $23,000 in the RED! However, our Actual Year to Date Net Revenue came in at $5,577.84. Yes, over $5,000 in the BLACK! What an amazing turn around!

    Our Net Revenue in 2023 was $26,313.31 OVER that of 2022! We ended the year with $53,117.42 in our total Chase checking account (with $15,898.68 earmarked for ESP) and $85,555.68 in our Fidelity Investment account. The Fidelity Unrealized Gain at year end stood at $3,403.33. Our Total Assets/Liabilities and Equity ended at $146,305.10.

    The Board voted in January to continue to hold our Annual Retreat at Unity Village the first week in October through 2026. Thus we will soon be sending in our third deposit reserving the Village for 2024, 2025 and 2026. And speaking of Retreat, the 2023 Retreat was $24,627.44 over the 2022 Retreat!

    Continuing to be conservative in our forecast, our 2024 Budget Net Operating Revenue stands at $-11,295.00. However, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if at the end of 2024 that figure is "in the black", too! Let’s do it!

    Thank you all for your continued support of ANTN. May we all be prosperous and blessed in 2024!

  • Mon, January 01, 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Dr. Brock Ford, 
    ANTN Board Secretary & Membership Chair

    After graduating from Emerson Theological Institute, being ordained, and taking a breath. I had the thought, “now what?” What were my next steps, how do I learn to be an actual minister and where do I turn for help? I wanted to be a part of people that had already taken those steps and learn from them.

    After expressing this uncomfortable and unfamiliar territory with a dear friend and mentor, Martha Creek, she suggested that I look into ANTN.

    I wanted direction and “boots on the ground” training. And it was ANTN that provided that for me. They offered workshops, hands-on in person, Zoom and phone call support to me which helped me build the foundation, vision, and mission for my ministry.

    Further, I was introduced to hundreds of ANTN members at my first conference and from there I was being asked to guest speak locally in my area and by Zoom – all over the country. It was the launching pad for what is now “Brock Ford Life Ministries” with a focus on Outreach to the Disenfranchised, Struggling and Hurting souls within my reach.

    And, I am grateful to be the Associate Spiritual Leader at Unity of Richmond East Bay.

    So without a doubt I owe a huge thank you to ANTN, for all the open hearts welcoming me as family and supporting me in all that I do.

    That my friends and future ANTN members is why I want to be a part of ANTN and why I continue.

  • Fri, December 01, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Dr. Robert Brzezinski
    ANTN Board of Directors

    It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I share my excitement about being a new member of the esteemed Board of Directors for the Affiliated New Thought Network. As a devoted member of this incredible community, I am deeply honored to contribute to the organization's vision and mission.

    ANTN embodies the principles of positive living, spiritual growth, and the power of collective consciousness. Being on the board allows me to actively participate in shaping the future of an organization that has played a transformative role in the lives of countless individuals, including my own.

    What captivates me most about ANTN is its commitment to fostering spiritual awakening and personal empowerment. In a world that is constantly evolving, the network provides a haven for like-minded individuals to connect, share wisdom, and support one another on their spiritual journeys. As a board member, I am eager to collaborate with fellow visionaries to expand our reach and impact, ensuring that the transformative teachings of New Thought continue to inspire and uplift humanity.

    Furthermore, the Affiliated New Thought Network serves as a catalyst for positive change, encouraging individuals to recognize their innate potential and contribute to the well-being of the global community. Through strategic initiatives, educational programs, and community outreach, ANTN empowers its members to embody the principles of love, compassion, and conscious living.

    I am thrilled to be part of a dynamic team that is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, community engagement, and the realization of individual and collective potential. Together, let us embark on this exciting journey of empowerment, embracing the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

  • Wed, November 01, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    by Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer
    ANTN Board President

    It seems like every year, we say that “this year’s ANTN Retreat was the best ever.” But at the risk of repeating myself, the 2023 Retreat really was the best yet! Many of us are still in the afterglow, after an amazing week of inspiration, connection, music, reconnection, and just plain fun. My heartfelt thanks to the Retreat Team, Board of Directors, volunteers and everyone else involved in creating such an extraordinary experience.

    In addition to receiving the wisdom and insight of our Keynote and Power Talk presenters and musicians, Monday night we continued our tradition of giving back to the Kansas City community. We met the Executive Director and two students from The Sewing Labs, an inclusive and welcoming organization teaching the legacy of sewing for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment. (Thanks to Rev. Dr. Martha Creek for the suggestion!)

    When their worlds came crashing down in the mid-2000’s Lonnie Vanderslice and Kelly Wilson pulled out their high school sewing machines and fell back on a skill they learned at an early age - sewing. With a great deal of work and creative planning, they ultimately built an award-winning soft furnishing manufacturing company in Kansas City named Weave Gotcha Covered! It's a social enterprise located in the urban core, which provides employment opportunities for economically challenged women.

    Believing others could use the power of a sewing machine to create economic freedom, they founded The Sewing Labs in 2016 as a 501(c)3.

    Thanks to your generosity, ANTN has donated $1,500 to The Sewing Labs.

    It’s not too early to begin making plans to attend next year’s Retreat! We’re back at Unity Village, October 7-11. Visit our website for more information and to enjoy early bird discounts!

ANTN Updates

These items have been incorporated into the monthly information to the left

    May 2024

    • Changes to the ANTN bylaws setting the eligibility criteria for Board membership were proposed. There will be a membership vote in coordination with the ANTN Café on June 21.
    • Provided ESP funding for a member center to upgrade the livestreaming of their Sunday service.
    • Our quarterly tithe went with deep gratitude to ServiceSpace and Dr. Rick Moss.

    Open Pulpit

    April 2024

    • Became a Community Sponsor of the "Celebrating Our Souls" Conference.
    • Provided ESP funding for a member to attend leadership training.
    • Clarified the wording about ESP scholarship funding for the Annual Retreat. 
    • Finished an audit and update of all the Policies and Procedures.
    • Approved the transfer of $20,000 from ANTN's checking account into the liquid investment account at Fidelity per the Finance Committee's recommendation.

    Congratulations to ANTN Member

    • Rev. Elizabeth Rowley of Awakening Ways will be ordained in April 

    March 2024

    • Created a Nominating Committee and criteria for filling openings on the Board of Directors.
    • The Circle of Angels will be open to anyone donating $1,500 or more in 2024. 
    • An ESP Grant for Technology Support.
    • Publish Open Pulpit listings from any New Thought Organization requesting it.
    Open Pulpit
    Congratulations to ANTN Members
    • Rev. Gay Beauregard retired from the pulpit in November 2023
    • Rev. Dr. Sydney Lehman was ordained in February 2024 
    • Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh retires from the pulpit on March 3, 2024

    Rev. Dr. Bill Marchiony, Administrator

    Phone: (831) 372-1159



    7918 El Cajon Blvd., Suite N332
    La Mesa, CA 91942

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