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Rev. Deb Johnson joins Dr. Pjae Stanley to help us learn to recognize “othering” and stop participating. The techniques are easy to learn and teach, and anyone can use them.
Rev Deborah L Johnson (RevD) is the inaugural recipient of the New Thought Walden Award for Spiritually Guided Activism. Founder of Inner Light Ministries in Santa Cruz, CA and a founding member of Agape International Spiritual Community in Los Angeles, Rev Deborah serves on the Leadership Council of AGNT. The co-litigant in two landmark civil rights cases, she is in the prelaunch phase of a new nonprofit organization, Unleashing Our Future, cultivating capacities, compassion, and connections. Author of “The Sacred Yes” and “Your Deepest Intent,” her passion is building “The Beloved Community” and healing socio-political-cultural divides.
Wherever she goes, her message is one of transformation, inclusion, empowerment, and possibility.
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Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84118506972?pwd=MjdxZXBZNmJSVnJGY1Iwc25wZkNMUT09
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Phone: (831) 372-1159
email: admin@ANTN.org
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