Divine CEO
Rev. Dr. Laura Topper is the visionary, creator, and chief editor of Divine CEO monthly magazine. She joins
Dr. Pjae Stanley to discuss her role in creating "the Original New Thought Magazine for Change-Making Midlife LeadHers on the Verge of New Beginnings, shattering the status quo and igniting their lives and one women business’s."
Rev. Dr. Laura Topper is a Wayshower, Visionary, Change-Maker, Creator, Founder Divine CEO Magazine Publishing.
Dr. Laura is the founder of Divine CEO magazine publishing and an award-winning global connector and expert who is passionate about guiding change-making visionary LeadHers to carving out their greatest lives and legacy businesses. Laura's inspirational message and OND BILLION WOMEN mission weaves together ancient wisdom, quantum physics, and omnipreneurship to activate a paradigm shift for midlife leadHers to create their one woman enterprise.
Based in the UK, Laura reaches midlife women globally, online and in person, inspiring them to tap into the power that creates universes to inspire their creative ventures and legacy mission based movements. Laura's potent message and mission empowers deep inner peace and full on prosperity...
Doing Less - Being More - Keeping IT Simple - Impacting Greatly
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