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Chelan Harkin, Mystic Poet joins Dr. Pjae Stanley to discuss the Inspired Poetry that has been flowing through Chelan Harkin for years,
Though her publishing journey is less than two years old, Chelan continually invites the bumbling, suffering of our human nature along with our Divinity to “meet for tea in the heart, to have a great laugh, to celebrate our sacred grief and to share a big hug”.
Chelan Harkin has always had a close connection with the spiritual world, a loving, ecstatic and expressive spirit, and an intimacy in her soul that she longs to share with others and the whole world. Poetry is one of her favorite, most satisfying ways to accomplish this. From her book, “Susceptible to Light” she said: “All of these poems have come through essentially intact and entire in less than two minutes with little to no content editing.”
Chelan believes these words are luminous morsels of remembrance from the spiritual world to help her on her way and to share with others. One of the gifts of this poetry is the deconstructing of old ideas of God that haven’t served us in hopes of a warmer, closer, more authentic relationship with the divine and with our inmost hearts.
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