Pjae Stanley interviews Rev. Melinda Wood-Allen
“Mother” is a loaded word for many, as not all of us had consistent, healthy or nurturing relationships with our own, so in this month that celebrates mothers with cards and flowers, Rev Melinda joins us to talk frankly (and maybe share a song) about the fraught relationships, challenges, and the “Mother Lode”—the ultimately important, rich, often hidden, gifts we receive from our mothers—wanted and unwanted—appreciated and not—practical and spiritual.
She draws on her experience as a child given up shortly after birth and adopted into a truly FUNNY family… FUN-damentalist, dys-FUN-ctional, FUN-ky. Melinda will share her spiritual perspectives on the vital life-gifts from her experience discovering how the Divine Mother speaks and loves through all these ways and more…
If you have a mother, are a mother, want to be a mother, or ever HAD a mother—you’ve received many gifts, so join us and be encouraged to discover your own hidden “motherlode.”
Rev Melinda Wood Allen is the Senior Minister at the Church of One Love in Dallas, Texas, an independent New Thought center “teaching only love.” A sought-after speaker, teacher, workshop and retreat leader, as well as a multi-award-winning singer/songwriter/actor & recording artist, she has traveled around the country presenting at NT centers, community action groups, recovery conferences, spiritual retreats, and even prisons.
Musically, she defies categorization, as her songs (and 4-octave rang) span genres from classical to Jazz, rock to gospel, country to pop and folk. Melinda’s passion is in combining her inspiring music with her knowledge and experience of Spiritual Principles to present programs that are heart-opening and life-changing.
For over a decade Melinda was a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Music and Creative Arts Team and currently serves on the Advisory Board for Empower Music and Arts.
Melinda’s music is available from www.melindawoodallen.com , or
www.empowerma.com or from contacting her directly at Revmel@churchofonelove.org.
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