Chancellor George Sherwood Mentz has been appointed by the Patriarch as the Chancellor of the Worldwide Anglican Church and Holy Orthodox Synod of India, Asia, USA etc (Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda are larger than the United States). Mentz has been devoted to Anglican charities for decades supporting scholarships for young aspiring adults worldwide and George Mentz has also been consecrated as a missionary Bishop for the Anglican Church. Commissioner Mentz holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence and an MBA degree from nationally accredited law schools and business schools along with a DSS Doctor of Spiritual Studies from the Emerson Institute. Mentz has been a White House Commissioner, remains a Law Professor for a top ranked law school USA and serves in office on the Government Airport Commission and serves in office with the Government Civil Service Commission 2022-25. Mentz has a diverse background and is a proud Sicilian with Native American, Egyptian, Asian, Arab, EU, and North African ancestry and Counselor Mentz is also affiliated with the Anglican Church descended from the African Orthodox Church. Mentz is the Lord Seigneur of the Fief de Blondel which is an 800 year old noble territory in Ancient Normandy.
George Mentz is an ANTN member who has been appointed by the Patriarch of the Anglican Church as the Chief Legal Officer and also installed as a missionary Bishop for Colorado for the Worldwide Anglican Church. Mentz holds direct apostolic succession as recognized by Rome descended from the India Malankara Church bishops with the knowledge and permission of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch. According to the church historian Timothy Dufort, by 1969 all Anglican bishops had acquired Old Catholic lines of apostolic succession fully recognized by the Holy See. The Holy See also recognizes as valid the ordinations of the Eastern Orthodox, Old Catholic, Oriental Orthodox and Assyrian Nestorian churches. Mentz has recently been awarded a noble title of Datuk Seri by the Sultan of Kampar which is akin to a Viscount Title in Europe. Chancellor Seigneur Mentz is the Magister and Patron of the Order of Genet, the Order of the Thistle Bourbon, and the Order of the Star.